Friday, 13 March 2009

How to Make Money Online with Adsense

Welcome back to this interesting How To Make Money blog. It's still early days for this seat of knowledge, but I think the quality of the posts will far outweigh their scarcity at this point in time. After all, while its main purpose is to bring you factual information on how to make money online, this blog's supplementary purpose is to lend its support to my other money making sites in their endeavours to nibble at the heels of their competitors.

This time around I'm going to look at how to make money with Adsense. It means using what is known as SEO To Make Money Online and I'll make this as brief as possible without all the fluff that other marketers seem to love adding to their blogs.

Here are the basic steps you should take and if you follow them closely, you will make money online with Adsense.

1. Create your blog in a niche where there are advertisers and there is sufficient search traffic to make it viable. Age it naturally, by posting regularly and obtaining backlinks from relevant blogs and static websites, article marketing, forum posts and social bookmarking. Don't make the blog look fussy with tons of widgets and flashy banners. In fact, make it as plain as possible. Make sure your posts are highly relevant to your main keywords and include them in titles, subtitles and within the text of your posts. This is important. Your posts do not have to be grammatically perfect, or even all that interesting, just relevant. You are aiming to attract search traffic, not readers per se as readers are far less likely to click your ads, when you include them in your blog (which is not yet, by the way).

2. Add Statcounter to your blog so that you can track its traffic. This is important because you need to know where your visitors are coming from, when they start turning up.

3. Create more blogs centred around your keywords and similarly grow and age them. Their content only has to be relevant and keyword rich as they will become supporting sites to your main site. They will not carry ads (unless by luck they become ranked themselves) so just concentrate on getting them indexed and populated with sufficient content to pass a visual inspection for legitimacy. From these blogs, you will be able to create perfect keyword anchored links to your main blog which will help it outrank your competition. Begin creating these in-post links to your main site as soon as the blogs are indexed.

4. As your blog ages and its number of incoming links increases, it will be ranked in Google's search index and begin its climb up the index ladder towards the first page. This is where you need to be, as you will need a steady flow of targeted search traffic to your blog before you even consider adding Adsense ads. Forget about attracting social traffic to your blog. They do not convert into money as they do not click ads. Period. Worse, social traffic turning up at an adsense site can skew the Adsense stats and cause smart pricing, where 50c clicks get replaced with 1c clicks. You definitely do not want that to happen!

5. Once your blog has stabilized in a position in the SERPs where it is attracting an average of 20 or so uniques from there (and NOT social traffic), then its time to place Adsense onto your blog.

6. Use a popular ad block, such as the 250x250 placed above the post title. You can also ad a skyscraper in the sidebar further down the page. It is important that pretty much the first thing visitors see is your Adsense block, so your header should not be too prominent and your content should not be too interesting. After all, you want those visitors to see your ads and click them as soon as possible. If they start reading your posts and find them interesting, or worse, they answer the questions those visitors came looking for in the first place, they will exit your blog without clicking an ad. You need them to click those ads!

That's about how it works.

This sounds very harsh and certainly not in the spirit of blogging where you want to attract readers to read your stuff. It is not, in fact it is designed to create a situation in which your visitors do the exact opposite. They will come looking for answers and you must ensure they only find them in your ads, so they will click them to go elsewhere and make you money. This is how to make money with Adsense according to the teachings of Griz.

How To Make Money